
Crowd Funding

Crowd Funding

The trend in real estate is headed down the path of crowd funding. At J.W. Hill Investments, we are now compiling a network of investors who are interested in pooling their capital. To become a part of this list all you have to do is fill out the contact form. Those on the list will be pointed to exclusive investment properties that are not yet on the market.

Creative Investment Real Estate

J.W. Hill Investments prides itself on resourcefulness. We often find properties that are not on the market, giving buyers and sellers a competitive edge. There is no limit to the type of properties we deal with. The professionals with J.W. Hill Investments will find whatever it is you are looking for, at the same time advising you on safe markets for your real estate investments.

Creative Investment Real Estate
Personalized Experience

Personalized Experience

Real estate practice has traditionally gone down the route of agents showing off a bunch of listings, and presenting them to the buyer. At J.W. Hill Investments, we think that it has become an archaic practice. Instead of having a list and telling you to pick one, we’ll find you a property that fits your needs. Or if you’re a seller, we will find you the ideal buyer.


J.W. Hill Investments is an investment real estate group based in Phoenix Arizona., please get in touch with us at your convenience. We are happy to help you.

Contact Us

Got a query? Don’t hesitate to reach out

J.W. Hill Investments is an investment real estate group based in Phoenix Arizona., please get in touch with us at your convenience. We are happy to help you.

Phone Number:

PHONE: (602) 748-6706
FAX: (480) 991-8573

Office Address:

Phoenix Arizona. United States

Mail Address:


Opening time:

09:00 am – 05:00 pm